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Fatigue in the Workplace - Schedule Format
March 28th, 2014 at 2:30 pm   starstarstarstarstar      

This is the 5th in a series of posts regarding scheduling considerations that affect employee alertness and fatigue.

In this post, we're going to take a brief look at the impact of the schedule format, i.e. fixed vs. rotating shifts. This is an important scheduling decision all organizations must make. Should the employees only work a single shift or should they periodically rotate through all the shifts?

You can read the pros and cons from the employee and management perspectives elsewhere on my website ( As you can see, this is a pretty complex decision. For the single issue of alertness, however, the answer is simple: Fixed shifts are the best, period. There is substantial research showing that rotating shifts have higher health risks and lower overall alertness than fixed shifts.

I would never base the decision on fixed vs. rotating shifts (what I commonly call the schedule format) on alertness alone. But since this series of blog posts is focused on fatigue in the workplace, skipping this scheduling variable would be inexcusable.

Posted in Sleep by Bruce Oliver
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