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Custom-Designed Employee Work Schedules


clock-circular-outline 8:00am - 5:00pm (Pacific Time Zone), Mon-Fri  



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Free Examples & Templates Keep in mind that if your staff size is not a multiple of 4 people or your organization’s workload is not constant on a 24/7 basis, these schedules may increase your costs and waste your labor resources.    
Custom-Designed Schedules Need a new shift schedule? Did you know that:  Scheduling software programs won't create a schedule for you. Many come with schedule templates, but these aren't always a good choice (see "popular templates" below). Popular templates (e.g., Pitman, Panama, DuPont, Continential) were developed for big corporations with large staffs and constant workloads. Smaller groups with limited resources or variable workloads that adopt these generic patterns will not make effective use of their employees and may incur unnecessary costs.  If you really want to maximize the utilization of your staff, you'll need a schedule that is custom-designed around your resources and requirements. That is our specialty. We design schedules that are matched to the coverage requirements, number of employees, and your scheduling restrictions / preferences.  Most of our clients come from smaller organizations with less than 50 employees. They recognize the value of a good schedule, both ...
How to Find the Best Schedule for Your Organization Employees judge shift schedules by the amount of time-off they provide. That’s why 10-hour and 12-hour shifts are so popular with employees - they offer both more days off and more weekends off.   Managers, on the other hand, want a schedule that will make the most effective use of their staff. They are especially concerned about its impact on both cost and coverage. Costs consist of employee wages, benefits, and overtime. Coverage is the number of people working at different times of the day during each day of the week.   So how do you find a schedule that appeals to both employees and management? You've come to the right place.   Shift Schedule Design offers the most comprehensive scheduling assistance available anywhere (Our Solutions). We promise:  Fast turnaround  -  get your schedules in 1 to 2 days Peace of mind  -  expert design assistance will ensure getting the best possible solution Choices -  multiple options allow you ...
My story It took me a long time to find my calling. And, believe me, I tried a lot of different jobs. It wasn't until Sep. 2000, at age 55, when I started working for a shiftwork consulting firm, that I discovered my true passion. The consulting firm was one of the nation’s leaders in helping large companies to change shift schedules, usually when a facility was expanding to 7-days-a-week. The two partners were brilliant. They also were great mentors. I learned so much that I swear my hat size increased. Unlike previous jobs where I wrote reports or made recommendations and presentations that had to go through umpteen different levels of approval, I was able to make an immediate, positive impact. I was finally making a difference in people's lives and it felt great. It was soon obvious to me that smaller organizations could not afford the fees we charged. In early 2004, I helped the consultants launch a website called Shift Schedule Design that focused on this segment of the market. ...
Advantages and disadvantages of 12-hour shifts Longer shifts have become increasingly popular with workers in 24/7 operations. However, some managers still have reservations due to concerns about safety and productivity. Let's explore each group's perspective. After that, we'll discuss a couple of scheduling issues related to 12-hour shifts.   Shiftworker Opinions In surveys of over 20 thousand shift workers, 74% said they would like to work more hours a day in order to get more days off each week. With each of our larger clients, we show the workforce several different schedule options that satisfy the client’s business coverage requirements. By educating employees about the various possibilities, they are able to make more informed choices from the schedule alternatives. The options we show employees typically include one or more 8-hour, combined 8 & 12-hour, and 12-hour schedules. Roughly 90% of the time, the highest-rated schedules consist of 12-hour shifts.   Reasons for the ...
Our services will help you find the best possible schedule 1. Staffing requirements. If your group operates on a 24/7 basis, our Free Staffing Calculators will help you to determine the minimum number of employees needed to satisfy the business requirements. Choose your preferred shift length (8, 10 or 12 hours) and schedule format (rotating or fixed shifts). Then enter the desired coverage levels for each shift. The calculator will tell you how many employees it takes to achieve this amount of coverage. 2. Examples of 24/7 schedules. If you have a simple 24/7 operation and want to see multiple examples of the most popular shift schedules, we sell five different packages: 8-hour fixed shifts, 8-hour rotating shifts, 12-hour fixed shifts, 12-hour rotating shifts, and 8 & 12-hour rotating shifts. Each package contains 10 different schedules. Click here for more information: Schedule Packages. 3. Schedules for complicated situations. If your organization doesn't work 24/7, your staff ...